Developing an online presence for The Optimised Coach

When it comes to building a business remotely and primarily online, consistency is a key ingredient for success.

Our Design Task

The Optimised Coach is a successful online fitness and coaching mentorship programme based in the U.K whose aim is to support and redefine the personal training industry.

Our task was to design and develop a mobile-friendly website for The Optimised Coach and bring the online presence in line with the brand’s various marketing materials.

Core Services: Branding and Graphic Design, Digital Design and Website Development (Wix)

A Mobile Friendly Brand Platform

It takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for people to form an opinion about a brand or website (8ways, 2019).

Our aim was simple, to build a modern and seamless website that would reflect the visual identity and brand values of The Optimised Coach whilst being light and accessible across mobile devices.

Consistency is Key

We wanted to make sure that The Optimised Coach’s brand values, image, and messaging were consistent across all marketing channels, including their new website. Customers appreciate it when a business or service delivers a consistent message. The uniform presentation and marketing of a brand have been seen to increase revenue by 33 percent (Lucidpress, 2019) and help to build trust between both businesses and consumers.

Additional Graphic Design Elements

As well as designing and building the online presence for The Optimised Coach, we have crafted and maintained a number of additional marketing elements across various mediums including podcast covers and physical stickers. It’s important for a brand to maintain a consistent look across all of its key touchpoints.

Our Final Results

We’re pretty happy with how things turned out but don’t just take our word for it, check out the lovely testimonial above!

Visit The Optimised Coach to see for yourself

Starter Packs

Need a website up and running quickly?

Need to create a logo or build a website?

Find us on social media or send a message via the link below to find out how we could help.