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Until recently, any business that wanted to create its website had little choice but to hire a professional web developer or designer to create and build it. But in recent years, taking a more hands-on approach to building and creating your website has become a reality for some. Thanks to the many website builders that exist such as Squarespace, Wix and GoDaddy to name just a few.  While the thought of creating your website may be appealing. What are the realities and the challenges in being capable of using a website builder and creating a website that looks and behaves exactly the way you want it to?

Some Pitfalls!

Before you decide whether or not to take on the creation process yourself or hire a web designer here are some serious factors to consider:

  • How Tech-Savvy Are You Really?
  • Have you worked out your Brand Strategy?
  • Do you have the time to create and build your website to the standard you want or need?
  • What type of site do you need?
  • What do you have in mind for a budget?
  • When does it have to be live?

While we applaud anyone who takes on such a task. Our findings indicated many fail to see their projects completed.

As a responsive web and brand design agency, we are used to taking on projects that have stalled, for whatever reason. Be it time, knowledge, the wrong platform or poor graphics. No matter what, we can help you on that digital journey. Why waste the money you have already spent if it’s avoidable?

We can review your project using our expertise, and provide you with an estimate of what it will take to get back on track. For more information, or to talk through your situation drop us a line or give us a call. Together, we can make your dream a reality!

Email: [email protected] or give us a call +44 (0) 7788 688054